Tuesday, 26 June 2012

Snowtown (DVD Review)

Directed by Justin Kurzel and starring Daniel Henshall and Lucas Pittaway, Snowtown is based on the true story in which a string of horrific murders take place in a bleak Australian town. 

Knowing that it was based on the disturbing and well known true story, I was preparing myself for the worst, and that's what was delivered. Snowtown has got to be one of the most visually intense yet, most heavily disturbing film I've ever seen. Every scene hits with a heavy punch that will leave you dazed at what your watching. I think that the film makers did a brilliant job of sending the message across of how completely manipulative, and horribly insane the character of 'John Bunting' was. This was mainly down to the acting performance from Daniel Henshall, who grasps the character perfectly and who builds a believable and twisted personality, that makes the final product ever so disturbing. 

Whilst I was expecting to see ever single murder in all its graphic detail, I was pleased to see that the majority are left out from the film. I think this really helped the film as if all of them had been left in, the film would be dragging it's focus point away from the complete manipulation and control that Bunting had over the kids and instead focusing on the graphic deaths trying to screw with your senses. Although their are some graphic gory scenes in this film, they never really go into extreme detail (apart from one small segment). 

The soundtrack in this film is amazing and very fitting, this track is being played constantly throughout the film and does a brilliant job in upping the intensity and eeriness of the whole situation. 

Their was one minor problem I had with the film however, I didn't feel that the story was explained very well and this wasn't helped by the occasionally indecipherable dialogue. I found myself trying to piece together characters at times of importance when their should've been a clear link and back-story to the characters at the beginning. 

Although some may not be able to overlook the problem of the confusing story, I am able to overlook it. As overall I thought this film was brilliant, very heavy maybe , but as a whole a powerful and intense film that shouldn't be missed. 

80%- If your able to overlook the story telling error and absolute bleakness of the film, you should find it completely captivating and powerful. 


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