Directed by Daniel Monzon and starring Luis Tosar and Alberto Ammann, this Spanish Drama involves two men who are involved in a prison riot, one an inmate leading the rebellion, the other a young guard trapped in the violence.
Cell 211 completely contradicted my initial perspective of the film, expecting an action thriller and receiving a powerful drama. The film wastes no time getting into the story as it begins with the new young employee at the prison, a day early, ready to begin his new job, when all of the sudden the situation spirals out of control until before you know it he's lying in a prison cell bleeding. Although I did feel that this beginning was a little rushed, I do prefer it to when their is a long unnecessary build up to the main story in which your eagerly anticipating.As the film progresses the story becomes ever more interesting and intricate, with the help of the film's superb characters. Malamadre (played by Luis Tosar) delivers a terrifying passionate performance, in my opinion making the film what it is.
However it comes with the characters that brings my biggest disappointment, although the majority of the characters were interesting, I found that most were completely unbelievable and unnecessary. Malmadre's gang is heavily involved in the story but most of them just stand around doing nothing, then occasionally 'pop their head around the door, and drop a bombshell'. Even the character of Malmadre I thought at times was given an awful piece of dialogue to say which just turned off the intensity of the film and made it a bit unbelievable, obviously this is due down to the screenplay, therefore it would be unfair to judge the actors performances. Some aspects of the characters I believe that they got right, the director ,Daniel Monzon, resists the temptation to create another 'Hollywood hero' and instead creates a much more realistic character who helps to work the film along in a believable manor.
Overall however, despite the frustration over the character's, this film delivers an exciting and punchy drama, worthy of your attention.
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