Based on the manga series, Gantz follows the story of Kei Kurano who upon a train crash is transported to an apartment high above the city, their he finds a hovering silver ball known as Gantz. They are given futuristic, supernatural equipment that gives them special abilities and are told to kill a certain alien.
Having never read a manga in my life, i was slightly apprehensive to see this film but with film industry's getting increasingly interested in transferring manga to the big screen, I am growing more intrigued, so I gave it a watch.
On being given the DVD to borrow, my initial reaction of reading the back was one of laughter. I'll be honest i thought it would be a bit of a joke. However i was very pleasantly surprised, the story was fresh and original, maybe a bit too original at times e.g alien who loves spring onions! But the film played on it's absurdity, they knew that aspects of the story were bizarre, and this film really works because of this factor. If they had taken everything in the film seriously it would have been cheesy and ridiculous. The aliens of which the characters are fighting are hilariously brilliant, and are so very original in every way, this creates brilliant fight scenes in which you have no idea what could happen.
...Well i say all the aliens are great but unfortunately towards the end of the film the aliens get bigger, more generic and more boring. It was so disappointing to see that in a film with such originality they feel the need to throw a spanner in the works in the form of a giant gold Buddha. Sadly, although their appearances may be completely different, this alien Goliath reminded me of the ridiculous beast in Clash of the titans, and it pains me to compare even a scene of this film to the garbage that is clash of the titans, but it shows a depressing resemblance
However ignoring that silly scene, on the whole I absolutely loved it. Showing such originality and flare, with good acting performances across the board and a thrilling and compelling story
I'm giving Gantz
Calum. Russell
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