Big budget, bright lights, loud noises and heavy does of
CGI, the summer blockbuster has become a staple of the the cinematic year
hoping to thrill its dozens of enthusiastic spectators. Entertainment is key
due to blockbusters' infamous focus on action over story and for Guillermo
del Toro's new colossus film, Pacific Rim, this couldn't be more
relevant. Boasting huge man-made machines battling giant monsters it's no
surprise that it's being compared to the 'transformers' franchise and whilst it
may not be as monotonously dull it shows to be just as narratively poor.

Whilst the plot may not be diverse or hugely engaging the
action certainly makes up for lost time being bold and hugely entertaining with
the weapons and abilities of the 'jaegers' appearing nonsensically out of
nowhere to sarcastic chuckles and enthusiastic 'woops' as a 'kaiju' comes
crashing to the ground. Living up to its epic blockbuster status the action
sequences are huge amounts of fun due to the fact that the film knows how
ridiculous it truly is. With this however comes the lack of attention towards
the story and characters, focusing too heavily on the high budget action
instead. Surrounding our protagonist throughout the story are a plethora
of exaggerated , stereotypical characters with poorly developed
backgrounds and did very little to contribute anything towards the film aside
from the occasional cliched 'one-liner'. Hindering any chance of character
enthusiasm are the relatively average performances of the cast with protagonist
Charlie Hunnam looking hugely bored throughout supplying a lack-luster
performance. Exceptions appear in the forms of both Idris Elba who clearly
enjoys playing his exuberant character and also Charlie Day who provides some
fitting comedy in amongst violent scenes as a bumbling government scientist.
Achieving in its primary purpose tho entertain,
Pacific Rim does little else to thrill its audience being sluggish and hugely
predictable for the most part. Being overly excessive in its action scenes the
film forgets about its other necessary elements crucial to make the film mesh.
If your're able to ignore a frustrating screenplay, a lot of fun is to be found
within Pacific Rim however its difficult to neglect even when confronted with a
monstrous brawl.
6/10- Lazy writing makes this film more dumb than fun.
Calum Russell
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