I never
even really saw this as a horror film when I saw it on Netflix, but the many
recommendations from various forums showed me otherwise, with many claiming it
to be truly terrifying. Whilst it may be more of a thriller than anything else
it certainly has some creepy horror elements.
The film surrounds a group of astronauts who are sent to
investigate the mysterious event horizon- a spaceship in which all of its
passengers mysteriously disappear. Event Horizons problem is, being a thriller,
it doesn’t really know where to start and finish with its horror elements.
Grand, mysterious theories on how the passengers disappeared are deeply
unsettling on their own- the mystery surrounding them only making it all the
more freaky. But when the film should’ve stopped there, it instead continued to
show us nearly exactly what happened to them- whereby little was left to the
imagination. That said the films raw horror element in the form of a machine
which creates black holes letting anything through from another dimension comes
into its own in the films finale to truly terrifying effects.
The performances are pretty standard but some are just
outright unenthusiastic- most notably that of the films mysterious passenger Mr
Weir, played by Sam Neil. His performance is however good enough to see the
film through. A film which ultimately proves to be a lot of fun, even if it
isn’t all horror centred.
6.5/10- A fun fun space adventure, both bleak and unsettling.
#27- Zombie flesh eaters (1979)
So this is one of those video nasty movies of the *date*
including some lovely gruesome scene of zombies being ripped apart etc. That is
however pretty much all the movie has to offer.
The stories pretty generic following the daughter of a
mysteriously murdered father and an intrigued scientist as they travel to a faraway
island to investigate the recent discovery of zombies. The film takes a long
while to get going, with horror elements included in this, not truly becoming
anything scary until around the halfway mark. There are however some classic
scenes in the film in which the video nasty genre is truly encapsulated. The
most notable of which shows a woman’s eye being shoved through a wooden splint,
shown through goofy practical effects of the time, despite looking quite unrealistic
however this scene showed to encapsulate all which is fun and gruesome about
the genre.
Zombie flesh eaters is unfortunately not as exciting as it
sounds with bland performances and a plot which takes a while to truly begin.
6/10- Standard fun zombie affair once the film finally
begins to start.
#28- The Bay (2012)
Made on a shoestring budget, the bay is a small film set in
Maryland concerning the invasion of bug-like parasites hiding in the water

The Bay is a neat little horror which works on primal fears
of humanity, and thus has a similar effect to jaws, don’t think about the bay
when you’re anywhere near the sea.
8/10- A creepy horror which slides under your skin
The original Carrie’s is a classic for multiple reasons, the
characterisation of the terrifying daughter /mother relationship, the fantastic
performances of both, the list goes on. The remake of Carrie is exactly the
same in nearly every way and thus is utterly pointless.
Certain plot points in the film are arguably dated so a
remake isn’t necessarily a terrible idea but it is when you don’t intend to
change anything. Chloe Grace Moretz is a great actor in the right role, here as
a result of the story she is horribly miscast, supposed to be playing a timid
and lonely girl but her looks are just too strong to think in such a way. Julianne
Moore is much the same, she’s better in the role but looks pitiful in
comparison to the original performance of Piper Laurie.
I think some of the only things they changed from the
original is the use of cell phones in the opening shower scene and the larger
use of special effects, the former of which a pitiful attempt at making the
story ‘contemporary’ the latter totally irrelevant when considering the larger
story of the character of Carrie at the films heart.
4/10- Just watch the original
#30- Children of the corn (1984)
There are certain film titles that for whatever reason carry
a certain amount of prestige, and for some reason I thought children of the
corn was supposed to be good. It isn’t. It’s good awful.

There are one or two moments which are pretty neat and eerie
but the scene really isn’t worth the 90 minutes of hurt. But above all, apart
from the fact that the film isn’t scary, is poorly acted and is paced
unbelievably poorly, not once does it explain why the adults don’t just
overpower the little shits and charge them down. One kick to issac’s fat head
would flatten him.
3/10- Truly terrible, character of Isaac makes it watchable
due to how laughably bad he is
#31- Annabelle (2014)
Alright, so I was supposed to finish this Shocktober thing
with a grand cinema trip to see the latest (good) horror, all signs were
pointing to me watching the Babadook and to put a long story short I didn’t. I
watched Anabelle instead…sigh.
So Annabelle is a spin-off from last year’s successful horror
the Conjuring, following the creepy doll which made people squirm in their
seats. Now they’ve drawn out a huge unnecessary story for the porcelain
character and her many victims, a story which is as boring as it is totally not
scary. The story is pretty simple following a man and wife, who receive a gift
of an old doll, and instead of stamping on it and burning it like many others
would do, instead they keep it on display in their kids bedroom…wha?!
I feel as though Amnabelle is just a prime example of the
state of modern horror films, less interested in the story but far more
interested in giving the audience a momentary fright in the form of a plethora
of jump scares, each one as ineffective as the last. These scares aren’t even
well integrated any more, you can tell them from a mile off, any moment when
the sound is turned right down and the camera lingers on a certain spot you can
be certain a jump scare is on their way therefore it doesn’t make you jump,
therefore the most simple of scares becomes useless.
Annabelle’s only good features come as references to its
better older brother, ‘the Conjuring’ in which the creepy music box tune is
cleverly placed in the film, as well as one or two appreciated nods. There are
also some unique intelligent scares thrown in occasionally such as when the
protagonist follows a trail of mysterious drawings falling in order from the
top if the staircase, this wasn’t terrifying, but it was a refreshing break
from the constant jump scares that bog the film down so much.
4/10- Defines modern horrors- just fecking stupid.
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