Aside from the over used found-footage sub-genre, the home invasion horror film is perhaps the most popular and has no doubt been murdered over the years through ridiculous plot lines and lame jump scares. You're next is the latest in the genre, made over 2 years ago and released only in small scale film festivals, this independent production hopes to rekindle the flames of the home invasion genre.
With events proceeding in the typical fashion, the Davidson family, brought together in full from an eager Mother, find themselves under attack from masked men and they soon have to battle for survival. Thankfully the plot is much thicker than described containing many plot twists as well as terrifying set pieces and violence to appeal to its audience. Seeming to tire early on as we are introduced to the family, the film soon builds in speed and intensity as the story strengthens and events become ever more enticing, even during this slightly lazy introduction we're cleverly introduced to the realistic characters and their intelligent interactions, all whilst the mysterious tale develops underfoot. Most obvious at the beginning and perhaps expected of a small independent production, the acting is questionable from a small minority of the cast, leading to laughable moments of stupidity in the opening minutes, this however flattens out as the film progresses. Once this cumbersome introduction has past, You're next proves to be highly entertaining and surprisingly hilarious, effortlessly blending dark comedy with terrifying sights. Led by feminine heroine Erin, played by the fantastic Sharni Vinson, we see a side to the genre that is rarely witnessed and it was welcomed with open arms; a strong and heroic female lead that shows both brains and brawn's never being reduced to a misogynistic topless wreck. Using violence and gore sparingly and only when necessary to truly get the audience whopping with gross delight, You're next is one of the most inventive horror films in years, setting itself apart from the crowd by simply being hugely enjoyable and
showing impressive feats by being simultaneously hilarious and terrifying throughout.
8/10- Amazingly fun and wholesomely original, You're next is a breath of fresh air.
Calum Russell
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