Despite Guillermo Del Toro producing a handful of notable
horror success, the majority of his work (although insidiously stylised) almost
inevitably become destined for the ‘bargain bucket’; and with an odd advertising
ploy many would mistake him for the director of his newly produced film, Mama. Based on the deeply unsettling properties of
the short film, Mama follows the tale of two young girls found after years of
living in the woods being protected by a ghostly figure, as there’re adopted
into their uncle’s life. Del Toro’s print proves to be prominent throughout as
a dark, unusual tale sustains horror for the minority of the film until ‘Mama’
is introduced and things get embarrassingly laughable.

With ‘Mama’ being the source of this films horror it came
with great disappointment as well as unintended hilarity to see her being
revealed in full frequently throughout the film. Once she was shown she no
longer was a character of horror instead becoming a tiresome tool of consistent
‘jump-scares’ that never fail to momentarily scare yet always prove to be monotonously
predictable. With her appearance also came the spark setting of a chain of
totally nonsensical plot lines that seemingly lead to an inevitable twist which
unfortunately never comes as plots pathetically sizzle out of sight. This soon
leads to the conclusion which shows to follow in disappointing suite being
nonsensical, idiotic and frustratingly sentimental. Consisting of a supposedly ‘terrifying’
CGI being, and a shroud of bizarre sentimentality, Mama’s conclusion feels
dismally underwhelming and moronic, providing a raw tasting ‘icing’ on an
already fowl tasting ‘cake’.
For a film based on
such a horrifying and unsettling premise, Mama shows to be quite the opposite
displaying more style than substance giving the undesired Hollywood touch of
overused CGI, pathetic story arcs and typical ‘jump-scares’. Rarely did the
tension reach unbearable heights, despite their being some moments of
originality, and ultimately this films intriguing premise is destroyed by its
only horror device, a 5 foot, hovering CGI mother.
4/10- The stubborn, tame, irritating and fake attributes of
Mama makes this an ugly sight.
Calum Russell
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