Starting off with Most Surprising Film of the year of which the nominees are...
The Avengers
Dredd 3D
The Grey
Magic Mike
The Perks of being a wallflower
and deservingly winning the award is...
The Avengers
Winning by just one vote to Dredd 3D.
The next catagory is the award for the Best Villain the nominees are...
Andrew- Chronicle
Bane- The Dark Knight Rises
Silva- Skyall
Loki- The Avengers
Mad Dog- The Raid
and the landslide winner is Bane despite his underwhelming death
It takes great sadness in announcing the award for Worst Film here are the nominees...
American pie : Reunion
Piranha 3DD
The Lorax
Taken 2
and the shameful winner is the abysmal Taken 2 winning by 1 vote to the equally awful Piranha 3DD
With a ton of original films released last year the nominees for Most Original Screenplay are...
The cabin in the woods
Django unchained
Moonrise kingdom
and the award goes to the best sci-fi in years, Looper
Into the acting categories, the nominees for Best Supporting Actress are...
Anne Hathaway- Les miserables
Judi Dench- Skyfall
Kara Hayward- Moonrise kingdom
Sally Field- Lincoln
and the rather 'obvious' winner is the awards snatching yet deserved winner Anne Hathaway
Onto best Supporting Actor nominations...
Alan Arkin- Argo
Dwight Henry- Beasts of the southern wild
Javier Bardem- Skyfall
Matthew McConaughey- Killer Joe
Matthias Schoenaerts- Rust and bone
and in another landslide victory Javier Bardem steals the award!
Onto the lead actress award which holds nominations for...
Jessica Chastain- Zero dark thirty
Jennifer Lawrence- Silver linings playbook
Marion Cotillard- Rust and bone
Michelle Williams- Take this waltz
Quvenzhane Wallis- Beasts of the southern wild
and whilst the film may be horribly overrated her performance is not at all, Jennifer Lawrence wins
For the big Best Actor award the nominees are...
Daniel Day-Lewis- Lincoln
Hugh Jackman- Les Miserables
John Hawkes- The sessions
Liam Neeson- The grey
Suraj Sharma- Life of pi
and with a fair majority vote, Hugh Jackman steals the victory
For Best Director the nominees are...
Ang Lee- Life of pi
Ben Affleck- Argo
Benh Zetlin- Beasts of the southern wild
Joss Whedon- The avengers
Sam Mendes- Skyfall
and clinching the win for the best Bond film for years, Sam Mendes with Ben Affleck just one vote behind
and finally, the film to hit the big time, and win the award for Best Film is one of these ten nominees...
The avengers
Beasts of the southern wild
Django unchained
The grey
Life of pi
Moonrise kingdom
The raid
and the winner is...the most surprising, most spectacular, highest grossing film of the year, it's The Avengers
and fair play to it too, it did exactly what it said on the tin and more to become the all time definitive 'blockbuster movie' and the film of the year.

Best Actor
Like much of this years Oscars many actors have been overlooked for this category due to the lack of money given to the board as a bribe and their simple ignorance. The most obscure nomination is perhaps that of Bradley Cooper who gave an above average performance in the otherwise boring Silver linings playbook, however nothing to constitute awards success. Denzel Washington's award for Flight is simply an acknowledgement of his terrific acing ability as a win for him would be slightly surprising due to this performance seeming no more than a routine. It would be great to see Joaquin Pheonix win for The master as his performance was more than impressive however his simple oppositional view against the Oscars is likely to result in family friendly Jackman or Day-Lewis to steal his deserved crown. This leaves the two to battle it out and on the night it will be a 50/50 call. Perhaps Day-Lewis has the upper hand playing the American icon, Abraham Lincoln to terrifying accuracy however the fact that Jackman has never won before is certainly appealing especially as his performance stood out firmly from the Les Miserable cast.
Winner- Day-Lewis/ Jackman?
Best Actress
The best actress category this year may be the best and most accurate for a long time showing performances from varying ages, backgrounds and genres. The most surprising of which is Emmanuelle Riva claiming a nomination for Amour. After her Bafta win, Riva could throw a spanner in the works and throw bookies favourite Lawrence out of the competition. Talking of Jennifer Lawrence it's most likely she'll win this category being 'Hollywoods sweetheart' and all, she was the only good thing about Silver linings playbook and is the staple in the new 'tween' franchise The hunger games, a win is all but assured for Lawrence. One of her most worthy opponents is Jessica Chastain showing to be a sturdy character in amongst a crowd of men in Zero dark thirty, she shone from the crowd but simply didn't do a considerable amount to fight her corner for the award. The dark horse here is Naomi Watts for The impossible, it's one of the only categories the film is nominated for and due to it's subject matter and her outstanding performance, a win here wouldn't be wholly surprising. What would be surprising however would be if 9 year-old Quvenzhane Wallis won the award for her fantastic performance in Beasts of the southern wild. With her career wide in front of her, a win would be a little unjust however no one can deny her tenacious performance is at the least worthy of wide recognition.
Winner- Jennifer Lawrence?
Best Director
Here's a question. Where's Ben Affleck? Where's Sam Mendes? Where's Rian Johnson? Where's Joss Wheadon? This is by far the most snubbed category of the whole awards show with a few nominations being heavily questionable. Before you begin yelling insults, chucking pizza at the screen and generally creating a mess, lets explain why. Michael Haneke's Amour was an excellent film, but wasn't particularly well executed in a directional standpoint with little to show in the small confines of the house in which the film is set. As for the wildly over-nominated Spielberg his nomination is only slightly deserved with Lincoln doing little to maintain interest in a film of heated debates. As for David O.Russell's poorly executed Silver linings playbook a nomination here is insulting for creating another piece of cliched, whimsical 'rom-comery'. The only two nominations worthy of the crown are that of Ang Lee and Benh Zeitlin. Zeitlin created something out of something complicated and arguably bland, the direction and coinciding cinematography is near-perfect in Beasts of the southern wild, a film that is as enticing as it is memorable. As for Ang Lee's direction in one of the years best films, Life of pi, a win here would be totally deserved as to transcribe the words of an 'unfilmable' book onto screen is an achievement in itself, the extent to which he achieved this is unbelievable.
Winner- Ang Lee?
As for Best Film a through dissection must take place...
Amour- This film was impressive to say the least however this is most likely a nomination for recognition in order for more people to get involved with foreign film, to learn to be unphased by subtitles. A win would be justified but surprising.
Argo- Winner of the Golden Globe, Bafta and various other awards shows is arguably the front runner, climbing the ladder to lead the front of the cinematic pack. This however may be the case however Argo simply isn't an impressive enough film to win, it's not an 'Oscar winner' it doesn't have that weird sparkle all the winners seem to have. A win would be surprising.
Beasts Of The Southern Wild- This is perhaps the dark horse but also similar to Amour in the fact that this is nominated for recognition. The film is good enough and sparkly enough, but the big Hollywood names that the Oscars adore so much aren't present.
Django Unchained- Now this was good, but really? This good? It dealt with slavery in an interesting Tarantino-esque fashion with a no bar's held back manner, yet it did so with such gratuitous violence and swearing that simply wasn't necessary and then followed with a concluding hour of nonsense. This is too controversial to win.
Les Miserables- As much as this film was wildly liked, it wasn't wildly adored like an Oscar winner should be . The achievement is impressive,true, however this simply wasn't reviewed well enough to clinch the crown. Furthermore with the acting nominations secured for two of the leads and a win almost certified for Hathaway, Les Mis should scoop a fair few. Worthy, but is it loved enough to win?
Life Of Pi- This may be the most realistic winner on the list. The film may not be full of stars but Ang Lee, the director, is enough to make it appealing to all the starry eyed Oscar executives. Not only is Life of pi a masterpiece but it also appeals to mainstream audiences being the only film on the list displayed in 3-D, and with audiences claiming their voices aren't being heard, a win would be in no way surprising.
Lincoln- The front runner Perhaps not, but certainly up there, this has enough star factor and is patriotic enough for it to win especially with 'Oscar darling' Spielberg at the Helm However with many claiming Lincoln isn't all that impressive and with it failing to really connect with mainstream audiences, this one could come down to the wire. Never the less this would be no surprise.
Silver Linings Playbook- Why? Why is this nominated? Not only is this film an out and out bore to watch, but it's also a big cliched mess of film formula's. It's hardly new or refreshing and does little to show a new side to people with mental issues. This was made with as much heart as a happy meal with no toy. If this win's the Oscar's is officially bullshit.
Zero dark thirty- This is a tightly knit film, with some excellent performances and some excellent directing. So why will it probably not win? Three letters...the C..I..A. Lets be honest if the CIA is slamming it down it's not going to win, it's pretty much crippled it's Oscar chances but never the less it's deserved.
Thus concludes the Oscar predictions for this year, lets hope this year brings about as much brilliance as the last, unless Silver Linings Playbook wins, if so see you in 2015!
Calum Russell
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