Yes, all the familiar idiocies we all know and love within the series are present, as well as the expected additions of largely poor acting and a plethora of unexplained incidences, however if you can somehow part the fog, and look at the positives, you'll be surprised to see that this fourth installment offers a significant amount to the series; introducing some intelligent plot devices as well as some unexpectedly creepy moments. The 'xbox kinect' feature is certainly one of those new features and is up for much deliberation. Yes, the products name is said an unnecessary amount of times meaning that it can be easily seen as a blatantly obvious piece of product placement. However the sheer extent to which it's used throughout the film, redeems it's blatant money making scheme with some truly chilling images created by the products motion tracking feature. Although possibly overused, usually acting as the centerpiece for the majority of scares, on the occasion that it is used at the right time it is used to excellent effect, imprinting a disconcerting image onto the minds of the audience. The scares themselves are usually legitimately frightening, however the inevitably alarming jump scare is also predominantly present, acting as a cheap way to scare audiences yet again. Contrary to the previous films however, Paranormal activity 4 does a brilliant job in keeping those scares to a minimum and instead using it's brain to create something significantly uncomfortable.
Remaining loyal to it's original, alike the previous 2 films, the fourth boasts an unknown cast of anxious victims, which despite the franchises failures is one of the few aspects that works heavily in its favour. Casting a refreshingly realistic tone over the horror franchise, the use of an unknown cast aids in adding an unnerving dose of realism into each film. Usually hindered by a hackneyed script, the casts praises usually end there, however with a predominantly relatable screenplay this fourth installment almost seems realistic! This allows for an out pour of creative characters to be released, which happens most poignantly within the character of Ben, the boyfriend who is the comedy refreshment, sparking witty, relevant jokes with perfect comic timing.
Being considerably better than it's two predecessors, Paranormal activity 4 remains riddled with it's franchise's issues, however does an excellent job in attempting to overthrow these through the additions of some intelligent features. The effort is beginning to become clear once again from this seemingly derailed series, and could eventually produce something truly special with it's next few installments if it's willing to try. Suffice ably frightening and increasingly intelligent, this injured franchise is beginning to find its feet.
60%- A surprising advancement on the previously dull series, the problems remain but the progress is evident.
Calum Russell
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