Posing as an outright action film, with what seems as a lack of focus on anything but explosive violence,a poor plot is something to be expected of .Armed with a new recruit in the form of Liam Hemsworth ,looking more like a high-school heartthrob than a so called 'expendable', the team of veterans return for what should be an easy job, only to discover their plans going disastrously wrong. Leaving them with a bitter taste in there mouths. Straight from the off, before this story even begins to unfold, we are introduced to the team through a spectacular 15-minute action sequence, 'signposting' exactly what the audience is getting in for. From what seems to be from the mind of an 8 year old boy explaining his ambitious Christmas list, the opening sequence includes a ridiculous array of 'boys toys' from Aeroplanes to Hovercrafts. Of course all of this equipment appears spontaneously at the convenience of the team, as characters suddenly disappear and return 10 minutes later either on foot, in an aeroplane or as seen later in the film, in a gargantuan bulldozer. Thousands of poorly trained soldiers stand conveniently unprepared, simply waiting for a well choreographed fight scene to knock them out cold.

The 'over the top' sinister head-splattering action, soon becomes laughable and is often followed by a magical one-liner, providing for a surprisingly successful comedic approach. However this doesn't excuse the poor screenplay within this film, no matter how many comedic lines are inserted, some solid dialogue is needed in order to move the story along. The problem lies with this cheesy dialogue. Whenever a serious sentence is strung together, it's nearly always followed by a cutting one-liner, which usually makes no sense at all! As the 'plot thickens' and intrigue sets in, this begins to get extremely frustrating.
Quality of acting within this film can't truly be measured due to the stupidity of the screenplay, however some performances were worth noting. From a man who was once the center-piece of action, with his 'over-acting' and physical intimidation has now deteriorated into an ineffective source if laughter. Arnold Schwarzenegger lacks the evident screen presence he once possessed throughout his reign of 80's blockbusters. On the other hand his action counterpart, Chuck Norris, remains to posses the style he has always had, with the unfortunate lack of his expertise in martial arts.
The Expendables 2 is an action film for action fans, and rarely tries to be anything else. Embrace the absurd plot, the sickening action and the laughable one-liners. What more could you ask for from the greatest action heroes of all time?
60%- Fun fuelled, adrenaline pumping excitement...just don't go expecting a best picture nomination.
Calum Russell
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