Thursday, 26 July 2012

Moon (Mini- DVD Review)

Directed by Duncan Jones and Starring Sam Rockwell,Moon follows the story of an astronaut who's working on the moon, collecting energy from the sun, when he discovers a life-changing secret. 

In general sci-fi's tend to frustrate me, beginning with an intriguing and clever story-line, which slowly disintegrates into an overly-confusing climax. However I'm pleased to say that Moon is really quite different, providing that brilliant initial story-line, but then maintaining it throughout the film till the finish. While the story on paper is quite confusing, it fortunately never really gets too complex or too absurd. 

Sam Rockwell provides a fantastic performance, playing 2 characters at once for the majority of the film. He acts with genuine passion and discomfort which means that he could easily manipulate the audience to relate with his character and share his feelings. 

Moon is one of those rare, unexpected beauties, that just completely baffles you, especially since we've gone without a good moon- based film for years, to see such a triumph as good as this (should've been) Oscar worthy!! 

90%- Exciting, interesting and never dull, Sam Rockwell gives the performance of his career in this brilliant realistic sci-fi

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